Stories make the world go round.

Thought experiments, tools, stories and ideas to inspire you
and feed your curiosity.

Safety & imagination.

What does safety feel like to you?

For some people, the answer is 'I don't know'. Particularly for people living with a lot of trauma, or for those under a lot of stress or going through challenging times. The idea of feeling safe seems a bit abstract and unknowable in a real world sense.

Sometimes it's hard to know what safe feels like in our increasingly complex and fast paced world.

One way to begin to find a sense of safety is by starting with your imagination…

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Art Therapy, Online Art Group, Tools Ellen Clarke Art Therapy, Online Art Group, Tools Ellen Clarke

When was the last time you were mind-full?

When was the last time you were mind-full? With your mind too full of what you were doing in the moment to contain anything else? No worry. No stress. No thinking about that amazing comeback you wish you'd thought of yesterday. No thinking about tomorrow's deadlines. Absorbed in the present.

It's a very restful place to hang out that is wonderful for your mental health. And it's a place that's relatively easy to visit, if you know the way.

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Creativity is for you.

Creativity is for you. Singing. Dancing. Making art. Not just for people with 'talent'. Not just for professionals. For you.

Humans are inherently creative, but many of us have been taught to believe that 'creative' means 'able to paint a masterpiece that will end up on a gallery wall'.

How might your life be different if creativity was something you did, the way that birds just sing, rather than something to ‘be good at’?

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Art Therapy, Art Therapy Page Ellen Clarke Art Therapy, Art Therapy Page Ellen Clarke

Can you look at my art and figure me out?

Short answer: no. That sounds kind of creepy. But it’s a question I get asked a bit.

The reason why I can't look at something you drew and see into your psyche is because your creative process is unique to you. The colours you choose, the way you express yourself on the page, the images you create relate specifically to your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, dreams, fears, trauma, lived experiences, etc.

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Tools, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke Tools, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke

Imagination & choice

If you can't imagine an option, you won't choose it.

Those times where you feel like you've got two choices and they both suck? What if there are more options, but you're not seeing them yet? Or perhaps you are seeing them but they feel out of reach or unrealistic or the cost doesn't seem worth it.

Here are a few ways to expand the amount of paths you might like to take.

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Why “I can’t draw” is a good thing.

"I can't draw."

I hear that a lot from people. I used to hear that a lot from myself. For decades. I made a lot of art, but it was all abstract or stylised because I couldn't draw "real" things.

It was true that I couldn't draw, but only because I hadn't learned how yet.

Learning to draw is like learning to read - when you've learned the letters and the basics of grammar, you can read whatever you want. When you've learned the basic principles of drawing, you can draw whatever you like.

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Time travel is possible.

Did you know you could go to the future and meet your future self?

How far in the future is up to you. A week from now. A decade. Longer - what if you met yourself after you'd passed through the veil from life to death? What stories would that version of you have to share?

Our future selves know things we don't know - these challenges we're living through? They've already found their way around them. And if we go to meet them, we can ask them how they did it. And they can offer us perspectives and paths that we can't see from where we're standing.

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Tools, Art Therapy Ellen Clarke Tools, Art Therapy Ellen Clarke

Neither here nor there.

We often walk through doors and across thresholds in time without really stopping to notice the transition between here and there. The moment when we're not here any more, but neither are we there yet. A change is happening, and we long for 'changing' to become 'changed' because the messy middle part is… messy.

What if we did take the time to notice? To pause there a moment. To take our time with 'changing'. What might we feel? What might we find?

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Tools, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke Tools, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke

Left-field help for challenging times…

What’s something that’s feeling a bit challenging in life right now?

What if you had a fantastical creature or being who could help you with that?

What if these imaginings weren’t “just” your imagination? What if they weren’t childish, what if they weren’t a frivolous waste of time? What if they could be powerful allies to help you navigate life with more creativity, more lightness, more playfulness?

Want to give it a shot?

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Tools, Stories, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke Tools, Stories, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke

Imagine a fierce protector…

Imagination is sometimes dismissed as childish or frivolous (it’s ‘just’ your imagination), but it’s one of the most powerful tools we have. Before we can create anything, we have to imagine it, from something as simple as a sandwich to something as complex as a skyscraper.

Everything we create is born from our imagination. Imagination is what shapes our world - the stories we tell about ourselves and our place in the world, the meaning we make from the things we experience - imagination is the glue that holds us together.

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What if you were a tree?

What if you were a tree?

Humans are creatures made of stories - it’s how we make sense of the world and of ourselves. We use all kinds of metaphors to communicate our experiences. I slept like a log. I’m feeling kind of batty. They’re keeping on the straight and narrow. It’s raining cats and dogs.

Art therapy is a great way to explore, understand and change our metaphors and stories. Read on for more…

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Creative activities as meditation.

Want to know a (not very) secret about our bodies? They’re only ever in the present moment. So when we engage in a creative activity with our hands, the act of drawing or gardening or cooking or knitting draws us into the present. This is part of why creative activities are so good for our wellbeing.

[the mandala drawing above was created by my friend and art therapist colleague who is running the online therapeutic art group with me - mandalas don’t have to be symmetrical!]

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Making art is making magic.

How does it feel to have the power to make something that wasn’t there before? To create something from nothing? A blank page now covered in colours.

We do it all day long. The meals we cook, the photos we take with our phones, the way we dress and do our makeup, the gardens we grow, the art we make. Creating things that weren’t there before.

Mostly, we take it for granted (I know I do).

But sometimes, every now and then, I realise that the drawing I’ve just done, or the meal I’ve just cooked - that’s an act of magic making…

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Tools, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke Tools, Art Therapy, Online Art Group Ellen Clarke

Having a regular creative practice can help you live better.

Having a regular creative practice can help you live better.


It’s related to the idea that how we do one thing is how we do everything - we tend to have ways of thinking and feeling and moving through the world that are similar, no matter the circumstances we’re finding ourselves in.

Read on for more, and some examples.

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Making stuff makes you feel better

Making stuff makes you feel better.

There’s something a bit magic about starting with nothing and ending up with something that wasn’t there before. Aside from the end result, there’s also something a bit magic about what happens when we’re engaged in the process of creating. The ‘doing’ bit.

If you see yourself as a creative person, you might know this already.

But if you don’t see yourself as creative, or you feel intimidated by the thought of starting to draw or crochet or restore furniture or whatever idea is trying to get your attention, making stuff can feel like a hard mountain to climb.

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Drawing in circles - the benefits of mandalas

Have you ever tried drawing a mandala? Mandalas have become known as beautiful symmetrical circular patterns, but that’s just one expression of them. Mandala means ‘circle’ in sanskrit - so really any drawing in a circle could be a mandala.

The medicine wheel is a circle. The full moon. The yin-yang. These are all examples of circles that hold so much meaning.

So when we’re drawing our own mandalas, the circle can hold our meaning, too. Our stories. Our feelings and experiences and fears and curiosities. Our expression of who we are.

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Book a free 30 minute consultation.

Don’t listen to what they say about curiosity killing the cat - curiosity is the first step on any fruitful journey. Book a Zoom call and let’s have a conversational adventure.